Wobbly Life Secrets

Wobbly Life is an interesting game where you are able to do whatever you want because it’s a sandbox. But just because this is such a genre, it allows developers to add some interesting things. They may be hidden in completely unexpected places.

For example, many users roam the game world in search of various cars. Therefore, during your adventure you are able to find a limousine in the TV building or other types of vehicles from a special collection.

In total, it includes six different objects. This is a car from the Stone Age, a golf cart or a motorcycle. It may also be a giant transparent ball. Hamsters often walk in these. And from the absolutely fantastic, one can single out a tank, which is made of balloons. And also something resembling a head car or a truck, but made from chemical and radioactive waste.

It is also worth noting that you are capable of customizing your character you are playing in different ways by buying him clothes and accessories. Therefore, it is understandable that extremely rare specimens are also encountered.

There are several themed costumes that are related to the Medieval, Stone Age, Christmas and various monsters. There are also different hats and other accessories.

In addition, the game also has pets. Of those that you will not meet at every step, you are up to noting the dinosaur, as well as monsters and paranormal creatures. These are ghosts, spiders, and statues. If you get such a pet, then it will stand out from the rest.

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting things here. The developers have tried to make sure that players who enjoy collecting have something to do. Therefore, if you are that type, you will definitely enjoy the process of finding all this!

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